
New Beginnings and Foundations

December 14, 2020

It is amazing to see what a small team of individuals can do when they set their sights on the goal.  Over the last weekend the goal was to move an automotive shop's tools, equipment, offices and work in progress to their new location.  It was hard and it was gratifying.  There were months of preparation, seventh players, volunteers, moments of triumph, moments of defeat, celebration, arguments. planning, winging it, replanning, winging it again and in the end success.

Moving a shop is hard.  Moving a shop wearing masks during a global pandemic is really hard.  None of us drank enough water.  Nobody really complained.  At one point one team member came into my office looking for a replacement mask, his broke.  The box of masks that was on my desk, was already packed.  I found a new one in my purse.  Failure was avoided.......  In the end we made it.  We packed up 17,000 square feet of space that we were never really meant to occupy for more than a few months. After nine years of  operation there, we moved out and made our new home in 6,000 square feet of space that we can call our own.  Thank you to every employee, every customer and especially the current people on our team today for fueling the little engine that could that started with one persons dream and morphed into the business we are today.  We are fixing people's problems and  building people's dreams and co-creating fabrics that reach far beyond vehicles.  It feels good to have a venue that will allow us to do what we do on many levels.  For those of you who have gotten to know J. White's Automotive as an entity, from one angle or another, I am betting you know what this means.

Peace out and stay well,
